What is parental leave?
Parental leave is the length of family leave (maternity, parental, and adoptive) an employee is entitled. During this time, an employer is required to hold the employee’s job while they are on leave.
Who is entitled to parental leave?
Parental leave and the associated benefits are provided to parents who are caring for a newborn or newly adopted child. Employers must provide the minimum number of weeks for maternity, parental and adoption leave. The length of parental leave varies by type (maternity vs parental/adoptive) as well as by province or territory.
What are parental leave benefits?
Employment Insurance (EI) maternity and parental benefits provide financial assistance to:
- People who are away from work because they're pregnant or have recently given birth
- Parents who are away from work to care for their newborn or newly adopted child
How benefits are calculated depends on several factors, including average weekly insurable earnings, up to a maximum amount, as well provincial legislation*.
Additional Resources
- For more information, see the Government of Canada’s EI Maternity and Parental Benefits Guidelines
2025 Parental Leave Entitlements
The following table outlines maternity, parental, and adoptive leave entitlements by province:
2025 Parental Benefits
The following table outlines parental benefits* by duration, rate, and maximums:
*The Province of Québec provides maternity, paternity, parental, and adoption benefits to its residents. For more information, see the Québec Parental Insurance Plan.
**Maternity benefits can be followed by parental benefits. Employees can apply for both at once.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this guide is for informational purposes only. It is not professional financial or legal advice nor is it intended to be a substitute therefore. Where there are discrepancies between the guide and information provided by the federal government, provincial government, or the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) or Revenu Québec, defer to the guidelines provided by the governing agencies.